Creating and Publishing Web Pages

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Registration for Creating and Publishing Web Pages is now closed.

Please Note: this course is subject to final approval on 14th April 2023.

Websites are now the digital shop front to any business. Most consumers expect businesses to be discoverable, explained online and easy to contact through the details published on the internet. Beyond providing just information, websites have become shops and stores.

Ecommerce thrives with ample product platforms and payment solutions powering swift online transactions. People not only sell what they own, but they can sell what they know, what they can make and so on. If a market exists for a product or service, a website is the way to make an offering official for that market. Evolving conveniences, even as small as buying delivered groceries online, are constantly pushing consumer expectations to new heights.

Learn to build a website that can promote a business, a person or a brand.

This Level 1 Unit is a 3-credit unit, which requires you to commit to 27-hours of study.


Dagile free online training courses are only available to participants who:

  • Live and/or work in London
  • Are in employment or self-employment

Academic Requirements

There are no entry requirements for our Level 1 Units, however a good understanding of the English language and maths are essential.

Who this course is for

This course is for learners who are new to website creation. It is recommended for people who can use a grounding in website creation to further their education or employment opportunities. It covers a 'no code' approach which means you do not need to be a coder to work on websites.

  • An introduction to web design
  • The top down view of how to build and manage web pages
  • Understanding the purpose of HTML, CSS
  • Understanding the purpose of Javascript and website interactivity
  • How to choose technologies to build a website
  • Introduction to content management systems
  • How to host and manage a website and web domain
  • How to leverage a web presence for different types of businesses
  • An awareness of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)
  • The ecosystem of tools to ease your workload


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